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Seed Security in Atlantic Canada

Since 2013, ACORN has collaborated with The Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security to deliver education, marketing, on-farm research, and conservation support to this region's seed growers and all farmers in interested in seed crop production. This program runs a strong mentorship program, offers field days, workshops, and webinars, maintains a regional seed bank, and supports a growing regional network of farmers, gardeners, and community seed project leaders. For more information and to learn how you can get involved, please visit the Bauta Family Initiative website. To find local seed, please see our directory below.

Find Local Seed

Seeds have always been at the heart of agriculture and food. Many farmers in Atlantic Canada save and select their own seed, adapting it to their region and farm practices. By purchasing your garden seed from a local company or a local farmer—whether online, mail order, at the farmers’ market, or at Seedy Saturdays—you can help create a vibrant local seed and farming culture.

New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island